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Structured literacy intervention, advocacy, and assistive technology.


What is dyslexia?  Want to learn more.  Check out these resources.


I have a deep understanding and passion for struggling readers.


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Welcome to All Things Reading

We at All Things Reading are dedicated to unlocking the potential of every student by revolutionizing education through evidence-based practices. Through advanced diagnostics and targeted intervention services, we deliver exceptional support to individuals with language-based learning disabilities.

We are a Structured Literacy Learning Center specializing in dyslexia and written language disorders, including dysgraphia. Based in Centennial, Colorado, we offer online and one-on-one in-person literacy interventions, delivering personalized support to meet each individual’s unique needs.

Structured Literacy

  • Simultaneous and Multimodal – To enhance learning and memory, all learning pathways in the brain (visual – auditory – kinesthetic – tactile) are engaged simultaneously.
  • Systematic and Cumulative – The material’s organization follows the English language’s logical order. Instruction begins with the simplest elements and progresses to challenging concepts. Each lesson is built on the previous concept learned, and content is regularly reviewed to enhance retention.
  • Direct Instruction – Multimodal language instruction includes the direct teaching of all concepts. We do not assume students have mastered previous language skills.
  • Diagnostic Teaching – The instructional plan for every student is based on assessments and continuous progress monitoring of individual needs with the goal of students reaching a degree of automaticity.
  • Synthetic and Analytic Instruction – Synthetic instruction presents the parts of the language and how they work together to form a whole. Analytic instruction presents the whole of language and demonstrates how it is broken down into parts.

Effective Reading Instruction

  • Phonemic Awareness – Follows established procedures for explicitly teaching the relationships between speech-sound production and spelling-sound patterns.
  • Phonics – Provides a systematic approach to single-word decoding. Students learn 96 grapheme-phoneme correspondences.
  • Fluency – Uses research-based directed practice through repeated reading of words, phrases, and passages to help students read a newly encountered text more fluently.
  • Vocabulary – Features multiple-word learning strategies (definitional, structural, contextual) and explicit teaching techniques with application in the text.
  • Reading Comprehension – Students are explicitly taught how to apply and articulate multiple comprehension strategies for narrative and expository text through cooperative learning, story structure, question generation and answering, summarization, and comprehension monitoring.
in 5 Children struggle with reading due to learning disabilities.
% of Americans are Dyslexic
% of all Learning Disabilities are Dyslexia
% of incarcerated Americans suffer from dyslexia.
About Selena Roth

Selena Roth, M. Ed., C-SLDI, is an experienced Structured Literacy Instructor, Reading Specialist, and Dyslexia Interventionist with an emphasis on Secondary Education. She has a Master’s degree in Education with a concentration in Reading Science from Mount St. Joseph University and a deep understanding and passion for struggling readers and writers. Selena is trained in reading therapy by the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators, SPELL-Links, LETRS®, Brain Frames, and EmPOWER. She works with students, parents, schools, and school districts in her private practice on education and advocacy issues.

Selena is a board member of the International Dyslexia Association Rocky Mountain Branch (IDA-RMB) and Colorado Kids Identified with Dyslexia (COKID), a dyslexia parent support and advocacy for Colorado. She started Cherry Creek Kids Identified with Dyslexia KID (CCKID), a branch of COKID, and is a working member of The Dyslexia Working Group with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE).

In addition to her work in private practice, Selena and her colleagues at Southern Methodist University are working on a Barbra Bush Grant, developing a curriculum and structured literacy content for a learning app designed to advance literacy skills for functioning illiterate adults. Selena believes in research-based, individualized, explicit instruction for all students because she can see and measure positive results. Damaged self-esteem resulting from literacy struggles can have lasting effects. She understands the trauma and potential consequences when left untreated. When working with struggling students, the whole child and the entire picture must be considered. All Things Reading believes with support, all students can grow and thrive!


“The body of work referred to as the “science of reading” is not an ideology, a philosophy, a political agenda, a one-size-fits-all approach, a program of instruction, nor a specific component of instruction. It is the emerging consensus from many related disciplines, based on literally thousands of studies, supported by hundreds of millions of research dollars, conducted across the world in many languages. These studies have revealed a great deal about how we learn to read, what goes wrong when students don’t learn, and what kind of instruction is most likely to work the best for the most students.”

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